Mirakul Ltd.
Vukovarska 88
31000 Osijek
Company: Mirakul Ltd. for business services and consulting
Abbreviated company: Mirakul Ltd.
Headquarters: Osijek, Vukovarska cesta 88, Croatia
VAT ID: HR42474114531
Bank Details: IBAN: HR5423400091110886616, SWIFT (BIC): PBZGHR2X, Bank Name: Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Radnička cesta 50, Zagreb, Croatia
Year of establishment: 2002.
The company is registered with the Commercial Court in Osijek, Croatia, under registration number MBS: 030073899
The basic capital of the company is EUR 3.809,15 and has been fully paid.
Management: Kresimir Simac, represents the company autonomously and without limitations.
Creation and maintenance of the website:: ICTPLUS Ltd., Posavska 71, 44000 Sisak, Croatia